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“A Reflection of Growing Inequality”: Dr. Paul Farmer on the Deadly Ebola Outbreak in West Africa
NEJM Audio Webcast: Ebola Outbreak Questions & Discussion
What it will take to end the Ebola epidemic
Paul Farmer, MD, PhD: "Rethinking Global Public Health”
Dr. Paul Farmer on Rwanda's Health Leap, Haiti Struggles, How Communities Can Repair the World 1/2
Africa 360 - Latest ebola outbreak
Dr. Paul Farmer on Post-Earthquake Haiti: "How Can We Do a Better Job?" Part 1 of 2
Underestimated and Ignored, Growing Ebola Epidemic Requires Unprecedented Global Mobilization
Ebola Outbreak
Paul Farmer: I believe in health care as a human right.
Ebola Outbreak: State Governments Create Awareness
Paul Farmer: As Haitians Seek UN Compensation for Cholera, World Powers Should Own Up to Past Wrongs